Precious Lists

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“In my 20s, I bought my first piece of art from a struggling artist friend. Little did I know, it was the start of a collection that would grow over the years. For me, home is a tremendously important space, and having art on the walls feels like I am surrounded by friends. Initially, I only bought pieces from artist friends whom I loved dearly.

Despite taking the leap to board a boat with my young family and pack away our worldly possessions, the collection kept growing. It just transformed into ethnic art, and sometimes we would find true and rare artisans whom we would commission pieces from. Every piece we own has an incredible backstory that resonates with our family adventure.

After spending 4 1/2 years at sea, I yearned for wall space again. Having emigrated to our new home, it was so inspiring to group our old and new art around us. However, in 2016, we lost some of our precious pieces in the Kaikoura earthquake. It was then that I realised we were horrifically under-insured and that the stories behind so many items we loved had not been archived. Each piece has a unique history relevant to our family, making them irreplaceable.

Our home is now filled with love and memories. Finally, our collection has been catalogued, and it is a safe place for future generations to cherish and properly evaluate”.

“ Finally, our collection has been catalogued, and it is a safe place for future generations to cherish and properly evaluate “

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“It all began with my record collection. One day, I realised that despite having accumulated records over the years, I would have no clue about half the records if someone asked me about them. Yet, as a collection, they were valuable to me and told a bit about my musical history and life story. I mean, I would remember Joy Division`s “Unknown Pleasures,” but what about “Street Life” by the Crusaders?

Luckily, I found a website that did everything I wanted, and for the next couple of months, I happily identified and cataloged each record. Once that was complete, I thought it would be a cool idea to do the same with the art my wife and I had accumulated over the years. Each piece had a backstory, a value, and a place in our lives, making them precious to us. Though few had any significant financial value, they held immense sentimental value.

I figured it would be easy to keep track of all the art on a spreadsheet or a database I could build as a small weekend project. However, I soon discovered that I wasn`t able to do anything nearly clever enough to add enough detail, images, and files to make it rich and interesting. The self-build database option had disappeared, and even online no-code development tools didn`t work for me as I quickly got out of my depth.

So, I decided to get a professional involved, and that`s how we got to where we are with Precious Lists - a platform that helps you catalogue your valuable possessions”.

" Such a joy… easy to use "

“Such a joy to finally find a way to create a comprehensive list of our art pieces which we lovingly call our ‘children’. I’ve thoroughlyenjoyed compiling our collections. It’s so easy to use this app and fashion a rich account of each piece.”

Julia C, New Zealand

"Precious Lists was exactly what I was looking for "

“Precious Lists was exactly what I was looking for after various failed attempts to make a list myself on a spreadsheet that just didn’t do what I needed. Precious Lists is so simple to use, and has helped me catalogue my entire home, as well as, and very importantly, the art that my wife and I have collected over the years that is so precious to us.”

Peter W, New Zealand

" I wanted a single place to keep records… "

“I wanted a single place to keep records of the pictures and sculptures I have collected over the years. I’m not a serious collector, but I did want to be able to write down some information about the piece and keep that together with the purchase receipt. Precious Lists does all that for me.”

Mathew H, Collector, New Zealand

" I wanted to keep our insurer up-to-date… "

“My partner and I wanted to keep our insurer up to date with the most valuable things in our house. We can select those items that we want them to specifically cover us for and export that list and send it to them by email. Its so easy. I’m told that I can even allow a third party into the app to revalue our art online rather than having to visit our house.”

Simon C, New Zealand