For Professionals

Professional Collaborators

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Probate lawyers and estate planners can be invited to a users` account as a collaborator. With this access they can help a user plan for the disposal of their listed possessions to their wishes.
Precious Lists can collect the details that will be needed to identify and contact a beneficiary. In the event that their services are needed, the professional with authority can log in and view the details of the stored items.


Collectors of art with significant value need to keep the current value up to date. Some art experts and galleries offer valuation services that can be done as a `desktop valuation` based on the information available.
Logging into a Precious Lists account of a customer allows them access to pictures, details and provenance documents in order to provide an opinion on the current value.


Insurance premiums are set on the value of items insured. Precious Lists allows users to enter the value of their precious items and record if an item is specifically insured with their insurer.
The insurer (for example the broker) can be allowed collaborator access to look at the current value of the items and determine which should be specifically named in an insurance policy.

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Having a cloud-based Precious List with 24/7 access from anywhere, makes management and searching easy and transparent.


Precious Lists helps ensure you are adequately insured, with the added ability to share your list with insurance brokers.

Estate Management

With Precious Lists, you can bequeath items and share wishes in your estate, plus give collaborative access to your solicitor.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What security do we have to protect your data?

We use current best-practice encryption to encode to safely store and protect all the data and credentials you share. We cannot see what you enter and we do not know your address. For a more technical look at the exceptional security measures we have in place, have a read here.


Can we see the address of our users?

We have no record of your address. Details you add to the Stripe payment service is not connected to your Precious Lists account and is never visible to us.


What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

You can export your list as a spreadsheet, with all the data, at any time. When you cancel your subscription your data is safely stored for six months in case you unsubscribed by accident or omission, or for estate management. After six months all data is deleted.


Is Precious Lists just for professional collectors?

Precious Lists is for anyone who owns anything. Whether you are a collector or simply an accumulator of ‘stuff’ this app will help you. If you’ve ever moved home, you’ll know just how many things have accumulated and you’d probably forgotten you had.
Items can be of monetary value and/or sentimental value. Whatever is important to you is worth keeping a record of. You can list just collections of the most valuable items or list everything you own.


Am I tied into a contract or payment plan?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. You have full control. There are no contracts or tie-in clauses.


Can my existing spreadsheet be uploaded?

If you have subscribed to the 1-year platinum plan, contact us. We will send you a spreadsheet for you to fill out and return, that we will load up to your account. Free of charge.

" Such a joy… easy to use "

“Such a joy to finally find a way to create a comprehensive list of our art pieces which we lovingly call our ‘children’. I’ve thoroughlyenjoyed compiling our collections. It’s so easy to use this app and fashion a rich account of each piece.”

Julia C, New Zealand

"Precious Lists was exactly what I was looking for "

“Precious Lists was exactly what I was looking for after various failed attempts to make a list myself on a spreadsheet that just didn’t do what I needed. Precious Lists is so simple to use, and has helped me catalogue my entire home, as well as, and very importantly, the art that my wife and I have collected over the years that is so precious to us.”

Peter W, New Zealand

" I wanted a single place to keep records… "

“I wanted a single place to keep records of the pictures and sculptures I have collected over the years. I’m not a serious collector, but I did want to be able to write down some information about the piece and keep that together with the purchase receipt. Precious Lists does all that for me.”

Mathew H, Collector, New Zealand

" I wanted to keep our insurer up-to-date… "

“My partner and I wanted to keep our insurer up to date with the most valuable things in our house. We can select those items that we want them to specifically cover us for and export that list and send it to them by email. Its so easy. I’m told that I can even allow a third party into the app to revalue our art online rather than having to visit our house.”

Simon C, New Zealand